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Small gardens can be a delight and can be used in a variety of ways. Here is advice about planning, planting, materials, features and low maintenance. Some houses, particularly in towns and cities, have very small gardens. This may be very attractive for owners as some people are not interested in gardening, or may have only a small amount of...
Get a garden or landscape off to a fast start with these fast growing perennials. Fast growing perennials are a great way to start landscaping or gardening. It will net the fastest way to fill your planters and continue to enjoy the fruits of gardening labor year after year (perennials need no replanting). These fast growing perennials are a few...
Astilbe plants are an excellent choice for gardeners to add color to a shade garden and flower heads also make good cut flowers. Gardeners always want options for what to plant in a shade garden that will brighten the dark areas and provide color in a flower garden. Astilbes are a great choice both for their ability to tolerate shade,...
Blueberry bushes are a smart addition to the organic garden landscape. Blueberries require little care, and yield quarts of berries for pies, muffins, and fresh eating. Blueberries take a few growing seasons to reach their productive potential, but the bushes can produce for many years with proper care. Organic gardeners can integrate these ornamental berries into their landscapes without using chemical...
A look at three ferns that stay under two feet tall in a landscape. Ferns can really make a landscape come alive with their billowy airy look and feel. These plants make great features under trees and as borders in a garden spot. No matter where they are placed, they will definitely make a statement, and aren’t as hard to grow...
Gardening styles are as personal as what someone chooses to eat for breakfast or her choice of vehicle. Five of the most popular styles are listed below. While it is true that today gardening styles are as diverse as the gardeners who work on them, at one time the only gardening style was the kind that put food on the...
Choosing a Christmas tree used to be simple, either artificial or natural. Now with several kinds of real trees on the market there factors as well as cost to consider. When the Norway Spruce was the only real Christmas tree on the market early needle drop was inevitable. Little wonder that when artificial trees were introduced they soon gained a...
A walkway is the first thing people walk upon when entering your grounds. You shouldn't underestimate the power of the first impression. Besides, It is always nice to have a stylish walkway because It will change the feeling you have when you take your steps. Walking on a stone pavement and walking on the stars are not the same...
Are you worried about the environment?  Not doing enough to save the planet?  Throwing too much plastic away?  Well, here are 10 ways you can not only recycle your plastic bottles but create fun, effective, time, money and planet saving uses for your trash.  1. DIY Plastic Bottle Gardening Wall Ever wanted to jazz up that plain boring old wall with something fun, colourful...
Do you have a broken pot? Are you unhappy about it? Well, there is now a perfect use for broken pots, so do not discard. You can now put your broken pot into a more catchy and attractive garden that will tell its own story. Don’t we all love stories! especially a fairy tale of godmothers, animals and the rustic....

How To Manage Your Responsibilities as a Grad Student

Embarking on a journey through graduate school is an intellectually stimulating endeavor that demands a high level of commitment and organization. Balancing...