Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’: Facts, Growing, Care, Problems

Last Updated on February 25, 2021 by Kimberly Crawford

The Echeveria perle von Nurnberg or more fondly called as just Nurnberg or Pearl of Nurnberg is considered as an evergreen succulent. Basically, it belongs to the family Echeveria but is actually a hybrid of two Echeveria variants: the Echeveria gibbiflora which is also known as Metalica and the Echeveria elegans/potosina.

It is one of the favorites of succulent lovers because of its striking tones of pink and green. But as a succulent favorite, what are the essentials in Echeveria perle von Nurnberg care?

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echeveria perle von nurnberg care guide 1

how to grow echeveria perle von nurnberg

Quick Facts

echeveria perle von nurnberg outside

Before we go to the process, let us first get to know better the Pearl of Nurnberg. Here are some interesting quick facts that you may want to know about the Nurnberg.

  • It has an average rosette growth of 3 to 5 inches but when given constant full sunlight, it can expand to up to 6 inches.
  • It has thin, scattered white powders along the leaves which give it a wintry effect because they look like sprinkles of frost.
  • It is not winter-hardy but it is cold tolerant.
  • It is not drought-hardy but it can thrive in hot places.


echeveria perle von nurnberg in pots

#1. When to Plant

This succulent is winter-dormant. This means that you should never plant it during winter or when the climate starts getting cold. The best time to plant this succulent is during late summer and early spring.

#2. Where to Plant

Under the USDA standards, the Nurnberg is generally hardy. This means that it is good for outdoor gardens at 25-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant it in sandy or loam soil in a strategic place where it could get six hours of full sunlight and shade.

#3. How to Plant

There are three simple processes to follow in planting the Nurnberg. First is to prepare the pot mix. You will find the soil component and combinations required for this succulent in the succeeding sections.

Second is to choose the mode of planting you want. It may be in the form of leaf cuttings, stem cuttings or rooting.

And third, you must choose a strategic place where it will get the needed amount of sun and then water it thrice a week until it grows to three inches. After it grows three inches, you may lessen the watering intervals.


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#1. Soil

The Nurnberg will thrive well in well-drained, not that compact and fast draining soil. There are available pot mixes like cactus pot mix for this type of soil but just to be sure, it is advised that you add extra pumice and lava rocks on the pot mix for better drainage. This variant shall also require you of transplanting it in another pot with new soil mix once a year.

#2. Light and Temperature

The Nurnberg, in general, does not require that much light. Put it in a place with full to partial shade to grow. But because it is also a versatile plant and you want to see its full beauty under full sun (because its faded pink edges will grow dark pink when it receives full sun), you can put it in full sun for six hours a day.

As for temperature, it is not winter-hardy but it can tolerate cold temperatures ranging from 25-30 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal temperature for the Nurnberg is not more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

#3. Water and Humidity

This Echeveria variant does not have a specific watering requirement because as have been previously mentioned, it is a bit drought-tolerant. However, it will require you to water them once every three days during its growth period.

Once some leaves sprout and its height at three inches, the frequency of its watering needs will lessen. More so, when you live in a place with high humidity, you might need to water them more frequently than what is generally required. Just remember that you need to be sure that the soil has completely dried before you water them again or else they will die of overwatering.

#4. Fertilizer

Like other succulents, the best time to pour fertilizer on the Nurnberg is during the growth phase, spring and late summer. As for the needed fertilizer, look for those well-balanced ones with 8-8-8 or 10-10-10 labels.

#5. Propagation

In this section, you must need to know that the Nurnberg is winter-dormant. This means that it is not advisable to propagate this Echeveria variant during winter. During spring and late summer when propagation is truly on the go, you may propagate the Nurnberg by leaf planting, beheading or through stem cuttings.

#6. Pruning

The Nurnberg is also a favorite succulent because it is easy to maintain. As a matter of fact, it does not need regular pruning. The only maintenance activity that it requires would be the removal of dead leaves , re-rooting once a year and clippings every three years.

Growing Problems

#1. Growing Problems and Diseases

Its common problem would be fungal diseases. The onset of harmful fungi is due to overwatering when the roots and stem are soaked in too much water and when the soil is too compact for good drainage. You would know that it has acquired harmful fungi when you start seeing black spots in the stem or in the leaves or scattered white and green spots on the rosettes.

#2. Pests

If there is one thing the Nurnberg is vulnerable to, that would be mealy bugs. These pests most of the time take niche on dead leaves that is why removing these would be a necessary maintenance activity for this variant. It is also a favorite of weevil and aphids because of its wide rosettes.


echeveria perle von nurnberg indoor

#1. Will the Nurnberg grow flowers? If yes, when?

Yes. The Nurnberg will grow flowers normally during spring. Its blooms are yellow; faint yellow when grown in shade and dark yellow when it receives full sunlight.

#2. What is its main difference from other Echeveria variants?

It is one of the very few Echeverias which can be grown in both tropical and cold places (as long as it does not drop beyond -1.2 degrees Celsius and rise up beyond 36 degrees Celsius).

Pictures of Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’

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echeveria perle von nurnberg care

echeveria perle von nurnberg growing

echeveria perle von nurnberg care guide